Last week I completed the Paxton installation on the 90's Mustang GT. Pressuretube from charger to intake was rewelded to correct angle, some bracket mods and wiring partly redone. First impressions, except for a little whine the paxton runs smooth and quiet. Testride a shock, the car lacks power from standstill doesnt even spin the tires. After checking boost and fuelpressure over the rpmband its clear that everything is working properly. Boost is coming in at 2500rpm with about 1psi and rises to 5psi at 4500rpm. There is a noticable powergain above 3000rpms, but the engine is now definitely weaker below 2000rpm, it has to work the charger and there is no measurable boost. Maybe that wont be noticed with shorter rearend gearing, but the 2,76:1 takes its toll. Also there is less vacuum for the brakebooster when you close the throttle and the idlestepper is confused for about some moments. G-tech and AP22 will tell the realnumbers next year.
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