Monday, October 23, 2006

Corvette L82

G-Tech test of a 1979 Corvette L82. Stock engine with headers and Holley carb. Testweight 4000lbs two onboard, streettires, airtemp 12 degree Celsius. Not bad at all.

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The last time I visited my friend Mexx we did testdrive his Karmann Ghia with a new engine. Waterboxer block with widened borespacing, Nikasil-cylinders and pistons from Porsche 911, rollercam and the proven selfmachined heads with SBC Valves. A premiere was the Megasquirt DIY EFI which replaced the outdated GEO Storm EFI. The Megasquirt was really amazing and worked flawless over the rpm band. Still things for refinement are coldstart, coldidle at low temperatures, but its not easy to obtain smooth operation with a radical camshaft. For further info and purchase on Megasquirt go to MegaSquirt Electronic Fuel Injection Computer by Bowling & Grippo .

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Aston Martin Valvetrain

Last year we changed a piston in the AM engine but its still not in the car. Lazy! There is hope, last week we set valvetiming and valvelash. Complicated and not very service friendly, there is no adjuster at the cam gear, it must be set with an excentric gear resting between intake and exhaust cam. So you have to set everything at once, intake timing, exhaust timing, overlap and not to forget chain tension. Maybe the Aston engineers wanted to take care of the assemblyworkers so that they earn enough money from workovertime to feed their families.

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AM Vantage valvetrain